About Us

Eco Celt was established in 2014 with the goal of securing distribution rights in Ireland for a major External Wall Insulation manufacturer. Several months later, after detailed discussions with several manufacturers, Eco Celt decided that STOMIX was the best fit for their vision moving forward.

During this time Eco Celt began to manufacture architectural mouldings and over the proceeding years have continually refined the process. We believe our current offering to be one of the highest quality mouldings available in Ireland.

In 2015, Eco Celt began the process of having STOMIX EWI certified by the National Standards Authority of Ireland, and were awarded this cert in 2017 following a rigorous and extensive evaluation by the NSAI.

STOMIX products are now eligible for all SEAI grants available for External Wall Insulation and we are currently building a strong client base of EWI Installers and other Construction Professionals. We do not install EWI ourselves but our staff are highly experienced in EWI and are tasked with closely monitoring all Installers who are registered and trained to use our system.

Information on SEAI grants can be found on their website (www.seai.ie). Grant levels for EWI (based on house type rather than size) are currently as follows;

Detached house - €4,500.00
Semi-detached or end terrace -  € 3,400.00
Terraced or apartment - € 2,250.00

We would be happy to answer any questions you have regarding EWI in general, STOMIX product specific questions, or anything else. We can also recommend a range of Installers in your area who can provide free, no obligation quotations should you wish to get an idea of the costs involved in insulating your property.